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Brand Reputation

Brand Reputation Brand reputation management is all about creating a positive online presence as every business relies on search engines for providing more information about its products and services to its customers and why they should be chosen over their competitors. However, now more and more companies are becoming victims of negative information, press or stories that an adversely affect their online reputation. Most of the times negative material is published by former employees, or unsatisfied customers or any unscrupulous…

Corporate Reputation Management

Corporate Reputation Management Online corporate reputation management is all about maintenance of business’s image on the Internet. Every day lot of information is added online and if it is good it helps in generating good traffic to a website. Some listing might be negative about the business, or its products or services and that can adversely affect the image and sales of the company. The biggest advantage of good online reputation is that it enhances your brand power. There is…

Personal Reputation Management

Personal Reputation Management With many small business owners increasingly relying on their reputation, they may be searching for a way to secure it for the long run. Personal reputation management could be the solution that many individuals have been waiting to find. This is part of the reason why people will want to identify some of the important strategies that they have to manage their reputations in an online environment. Shield Reputation Management is a firm that specializes in making…